Monday, February 9, 2009

The Fab 6!

Prayers do come true.. My oldest brother Jason got married when i was in the 3rd grade and Ross left to live in Oregon when i was in the first grade and so we all got seperated and lives went in seperate directions. But i prayed every night that one day all 6 of us would be reunited togather again with my mom. I mean we all saw each other but never all at once. Its hard to get all 6 in the same place at once. After 21 years (yikes) we all got togather and spent 4 wonderful days in Park City Utah with are spouses, children and our Mother...So many wonderful Memories were made.. and after many years of prayers God Answered!

From Puppy to Beast in One years time!

The Power of Tithing.

So one of my dearest friends Jessy has told me Megs if you pay your tithing the lord will bless you. Well my husband is not a member of my church so i never really thought about tithing. Untill January. I tithed out of my own paycheck, its not much but its somthing.. So the week after i thithed it was a thursday, a very cold thursday, black ice everywhere. and i live out in the country. My kids were waiting in front of our home for the school bus that stops in front of the house. They saw the bus coming so i said they could walk down the driveway just like they do every morning. As the bus was coming to a stop and the lights turned on and the stop sign came out and at the very exact moment my kids stepped out on the road a car from the ooposite direction was going about 60 mph and did not pay any attention to the roads or the bus..he saw my kids and the bus and slammed on the brakes which sent his car into a 360 spin and flipped the car he had two ways to go right into my kids or right across from them into the enbankment. His car rolled right into the enbankment 7 feet from my kids.. Sheer panic hit me in knowing how it all could of went if his tires went the other way. I know by paying my tithing i was blessed beyond my wildest dreams and i know their Grandad had his hands upon those children!!!

A little behind on blogging...

So i know its Feb. But im really behind on blogs.. So hear are some Christmas pictures... Enjoy!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Wyatt's 5th Birthday!

On November 21st my baby boy Wyatt turned 5!!!! I can not believe he is this old already. Where did the time go? It feels like yesterday i was staring down at his perfect face watching him coo and girgle...Now he is this full of life personality with energy that never fails. Im so blessed to have this little guy as my own.

Sorry everyone i have checked out of blog world for awhile but im going to try to get back on track this week. So bare with me as i post some month or so old pictures Life just got a little busy and when i had the down time picked sleeping over blogging, lol.. I think Jessy is the only one to read this anyhow.. So sorry girl i will get back on the band wagon!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow Storm of 2008

The night the snow storm began.. The never ending snow storm of 08!
Duke wanted his picture taken too...he LOVED the snow!

The boys on the trampoline the first night the snow started falling. By the end there was over 2 feet of snow on the trampoline and it was sagging to the ground.

The drooping tress in my front yard.

Mommy and Hannah getting ready to go on a night time sleding trip with the 4wheeler.

Wyatt loving the snow.


The snow began to fall on the valley floor and never stopped. The kids got our for christmas vacation a whole week before they were supposed too, Christmas programs were cancelled along with Christmas parties..Chains were a must on the roads, and i felt as if i lived back in Nebraska.. It was nice too see it, and play in it but after almost 2 and half feet of it, i was ready for it to GO!! =]